DW Tips

3 Essential Steps for Surviving Google's Mobile-First Indexing

Oct 19, 2018 by kidd

Search engines are always trying to update their algorithms to give viewers faster, more accurate access to what they're looking for. Google is usually leading the crowd in this focus with a history of changes that cut down on keyword-stuffing, prioritized helpfulness, and gave local businesses a suite of useful tools. One of their newest ongoing changes is mobile-first indexing.

On the surface, it's precisely what it sounds like. Sites are going to start being ranked with their mobile site's quality more heavily in mind. If you're not sure your site is up to par, start these three steps immediately:

1. Get a mobile site if you don't have one.

Many businesses don't have specifically mobile sites, and that used to be okay. But more and more users are browsing online through their phones and tablets instead of a desktop. If your site isn't organized for that change in behavior, viewers aren't going to stick around. Now that this behavior is well-documented and nearly universal, search engines are taking it into account. 

If you want your business site to stay high-ranking, it needs to be mobile.

2. Make sure your mobile site is responsive.

But 'mobile devices' mean a lot of different things. They also mean a lot of different screen sizes. So when you hire a designer to make your site fully functional through taps and minimal typing, they also need to make it automatically adjust to every set of dimensions under the sun.

3. Double-down on speediness and convenience.

Having a mobile, responsively-designed site is just the bare minimum. Your site also needs to have all of the good ranking factors that search engines look for. When it comes to mobile traffic, that means high speed, low abandonment rates, and easy navigation.

Go to Designer Digital to make it happen faster and start climbing through the ranks in mobile-first indexing.
