DW Tips

5 Dos and Don’ts for Custom Website Design

Jun 7, 2019 by kidd

When you're getting custom website design, you have a number of options. You can pretty much design your website any way you would like to. And if you have something in mind that's unique and original, then all the better. This will help your website to stand out from a number of websites which all look the same and have similar images and content. You can make sure that your images and content conform to your vision rather than someone else's vision for you. Here are a few dos and don'ts:

  1. Do Think About How You Want Your Website to Look: It's a good idea to put some thought into this. And try to be as detail-oriented as possible. Consider what color you would like your website to be, what images you want it to have, what type of content you want to use, whether you'd like videos or not, how many tabs you need and whether your content should be promotional or informational.
  2. Don't Leave It All up to Your Website Designer: Yes, they've designed a number of various websites and they may have some great ideas for your website too. But there's no point in saying "yes" to everything just because the other person seems so enthusiastic about it. Consider whether you really feel the same way before agreeing.
  3. Do Refresh Your Website Often with New Content: Yes, you want to get some evergreen content which will always be valuable to your customers, but if you're really interested in getting more traffic, you should also get a blog and keep adding to it. You can do this yourself or with a blogging service.
  4. Don't Use Perfect-Looking Models: You may think that slim, toned models will attract more views. But the fact is that people like to be able to relate to the images they see. So it's good to keep your images diverse and relatable. They should be of various ages, races, sizes, shapes etc.
  5. Don't Aim for Virality at All Costs: When it comes to digital marketing, we keep hearing about pieces of content—writing, photos or videos—going viral. But the fact is that you don't have any control over virality. Instead, it's best to build your customer base slowly and steadily. If you're getting a few more views with each piece of content you're adding, then your digital strategy is working. And if something happens to go viral, that's also great. But the more you keep thinking about going viral, the more you'll get frustrated with your digital presence.

Contact us for more great tips to design your website.
