DW Tips

How Roundup Posts Can Boost SEO and Drive Traffic

Apr 6, 2018 by kidd

Many companies shy away from content curation, believing it drives traffic away from their website. However, when done correctly, it can drastically improve your authority, increases engagement, and give a boost to your SEO. Moreover, they can help you build relationships and earn reciprocal recognition from influencers and industry thought leaders. When it comes to your website and blogging, one of the best forms of content curation is the roundup post, a blog entry that collects data, quotes, or other information from multiple experts and websites.

Types of Roundup Posts

1. Top Lists - There are many types of list posts. When it comes to roundup post, those that acknowledge quality are often the most effective. For example, if you are a bankruptcy attorney, you may consider blogs regarding the best website on bankruptcy law, personal finance, or repairing credit. These types of posts are also a good way to show your appreciation to businesses and experts who have been good to you.

2. Compiled Research - Another popular form of roundup post provides a list of links to compiled research. This can become a very useful resource for your website visitors. Furthermore, linking to relevant and authoritative content will give a boost to your SEO. These articles can focus on things like news articles and events within a certain industry or niche for a given week, month, or year.

3. Compiled Contributions - You likely came across this article searching for information about search engine optimization. If you have, there is also a good chance you discovered articles like, "The Top SEO Experts Talk About What's to Come in 2018". Nevertheless, compiled contributions posts can include the collected advice, tips, stories, experiences, and more on just about any subject.

Roundup Posts and SEO

So, the real question is,"How does content roundup posts boost SEO and drive traffic?" The first benefit comes from people's egos. Industry experts, influencers, bloggers, and other businesses all love to be mentioned on a website. Also, they like to show off the recognition. Therefore, roundup posts are often linked to on websites and social media as a way of reminding an expert or influencer's audience of their popularity, authority, and credibility. Consequently, you earn high-quality linkbacks to your website.

The next benefit is organic traffic. Search users tend to be very attracted to roundup articles. Why should you spend the time researching and reading a bunch of articles, when someone else has done all the work and distilled everything into a single blog post? As a result, roundup articles tend to be of high value. Additionally, well-organized expert information with rewarding conclusions will have visitors returning again and again.  

Finally, there is the aspect of relationship building. Creating a close relationship with online influencers and thought leaders is often more valuable than any pay-per-click campaign. Having strong online relationships with others within your industry or niche will earn you exposure to new audiences through their social channels, increased traffic when they mention you in their blogs, and will generate good quality links to your website. All of these activities send positive signals to Google and other search engines that boost your SEO.

Do you have questions? What haven't we covered yet that is important to you? If you would like to talk about how roundup posts can boost SEO and drive traffic, or a related topic, please contact us.
