DW Tips

Three key tips for designing successful mobile websites

May 13, 2016 by

With the massive growth and use of mobile devices, websites must be clear, engaging, and attractive on all computing devices, regardless of screen size. Responsive websites will work well on mobile phones, tablets, laptops and desktop computers.


Business 2 Community recently published an article discussing how mobile websites can give you a significant boost in business. An ever-growing number of people shop online. When you work on your site's mobile-friendly design, the following are three important tips to keep in mind:e using mobile devices. Conversion rates increase for responsive sites. In contrast, a site that isn't mobile-friendly may prove difficult to navigate and look distorted and unattractive, driving people away.

Make navigation easy

Site visitors should always have an easy time finding any menus, links to main pages, and search bars.

Keep certain elements prominent

Make sure that your logo continues to stand out, and that the colour scheme and overall feel of the responsive site reflects your brand and the tone you want to set. Other site elements that should pop out include your call-to-action, which prompts visitors to take the next step of contacting you or buying products and services.

Stay uncluttered

Your site shouldn't feel crowded, with different elements piling one on top of the other. Even when your site gets viewed on a smaller screen, a sense of space should remain, improving readability and making it easier for visitors to click on links and share content.

A well-designed mobile friendly website can bring in significantly more sales and help keep your customers loyal to your company and brand. Don't hesitate to contact us for assistance with developing a beautiful responsive website that attracts people across all devices.

Image courtesy of KROMKRATHOG at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
