DW Tips

Tips to Help You Choose a Great Domain Name

Apr 10, 2013 by Paul

Choosing a domain name is tough.  It's no secret that a great domain name can really make an impact not only with search engines but also with visitors.  So what makes a great domain name?

A lot depends on the type of site you plan to run, but there are some fundamentals which should be followed to improve your chances at success. Not all of the following tips are applicable to every site, for example, it may be difficult to have a keyword-rich domain name while still keeping it short.  Simply rely on common sense and try to utilize as many tips as possible in your domain name registration process.

Shorter is Better 

Shorter names are easier to remember and that could be the difference between a repeat visit and a lost sale.  They are also easier for customers to tell others about, resulting in even more potential sales.

No Hyphens 

Sometimes the domain name you wanted is simply not available, nor for sale or exorbitantly priced.  In such instances the only option may be to opt for a hyphenated domain.  Try to keep the hyphens to an absolute minimum since they cause confusion, are difficult to remember and when typed incorrectly could lead your customers to the competition.  They can also seem spammy.

Keyword Rich 

Depending on the scope of your business one or two keywords may be able to describe the product you sell or the service you provide.  Those are ideal situations for a keyword rich domain.  However, if your business offering is deep either in products or services, then keyword rich domains are probably not for you.  Make sure the keywords you use are true indicators of your type of business and that they rank well in searches.

Feel free to contact us and we'll be happy to assist you create or purchase the perfect domain name for your business.
